Ebenezer Weekly News
This Week's Sermon - December 1, 2024

Jesus - There is Just Something About That Name!
Matthew 1:18-21
Pastor Cal Fong
Service Times: 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30am
Announcements and Upcoming Events

The Blessing Tree and Christmas Food Hampers Info
- The envelopes for the Blessing Tree will be on the tree in December
- You can drop off food for the Christmas Hampers on Sunday, December 8th (during the services), or December 17th & 18th from 6:30-8:30pm (during youth).
- Assembly for the food hampers will take place on the morning of Saturday, December 21st.
- If you wish to give financially, you can do so by cheque, cash, credit, debit, or e-transfer. If you send an e-transfer, please make sure to note that it is for "Christmas Blessings". Our e-transfer email is giving@ebenezerbaptist.ca .

Kids Christmas Concert - Sunday, December 8 @ 7pm
Our kids have been working hard to put on a wonderful performance for you all! Everyone is invited to attend!

You must register for the Celebration Service by December 8th!

Ways To Give
- E-transfer to giving@ebenezerbaptist.ca (make sure to include designation in the message)
- Phone the church office or CLICK HERE to set up Pre-Authorized donations through your bank or credit card.
- Text GIVE to 306-249-0084
- Mail in a cheque
- Give via cash, credit, debit, or cheque on a Sunday morning.
Right Now Media
Available for FREE to everyone in the Ebenezer family! CLICK HERE to sign up today!
EBC Running Group
5km walk/run/jog. Meet at Rotary park. All ages and skill levels welcome.
Find us on Facebook: EBC Running
Find us on Facebook: EBC Running
Download Our New EBC app!

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