Lent: Repentance | Restoration
As we enter the Lent season, we're called to reflect on the profound concepts of repentance and restoration. The sermon challenges us to rethink our understanding of repentance, urging us to see it not just as feeling sorry for our sins, but as a complete transformation of our minds. Jesus' proclamation in Matthew 4:17, 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near,' invites us to change our thinking about everything - God, ourselves, others, and the world around us. This metanoia, or change of mind, is the first step towards experiencing the restorative power of the Gospel. As we journey through Lent, let's consider: How are we allowing God to renew our minds? What areas of our lives need restoration? The message reminds us that the Gospel isn't just about individual salvation, but about the renewal of all creation. It challenges us to move beyond a consumerist, individualistic faith and embrace the full, transformative power of Christ's work.